terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013

BPH - The Prostate “Miracle Fruit” ....

How To Fix Almost Any Prostate Problem
Without Drugs, Surgery Or Invasive Exams

1 - The Prostate “Miracle Fruit” That Also Help to Revs Up Your Sex Drive

This is my favorite way to deal with prostate problems.
Like anything else, it’s not guaranteed to work for everyone, in every circumstance,for every single prostate issue with every single man. But, if you’re having prostateproblems, or afraid you may have them some day, then this tip alone could give youserious relief and peace of mind.

Anyway, here’s the scoop:
One of the best known prostate health boosters is lycopene.
Lycopene is an extremely potent phytochemical (and antioxidant) found in
tomatoes and certain other red fruits and vegetables. Research is always coming outshowing how it may help with prostate problems (including shrinking an enlargedprostate and possibly even preventing prostate cancer). And even though it’s found intomatoes, it’s far more potent in cooked tomato products like ketchup, tomato paste,
tomato soup, canned tomatoes, etc.
Now personal y, I’m not a big fan of most cooked tomato products.

If you are, great!

But if you’re not, guess what?

There’s a fruit almost nobody mentions in these studies (maybe because nobody
can profit from it?) that has even MORE lycopene in it, requires no cooking, and...

Tastes Extremely Good!

And that is... watermelon.

Yep—sweet, delicious, JUICY watermelon is PACKED with lycopene.
In fact, just a few months before writing this eBook I started experimenting with it.
And over time I started noticing my urination becoming more regular with more “emptying” of the bladder (and a stronger stream)... the natural y dry skin on my forehead and eyelids (which I used to have to slather lotion on) started moistening and clearing up... I started having regular bowel movements like clockwork each day... And, best of al ...

My Sex Drive Shot

Through The Roof!

When I did some research, it al made sense, too.
I already knew watermelon was good for the prostate (due to the lycopene).
But I also discovered the high water content (watermelon is 90% water!) makes it one of nature’s best natural diuretics, which helps keep you cleaned out and your “bits and pieces” working properly. (In fact, here’s another tip: If you are having prostate problems, start drinking LOTS of water—at least HALF your body weight in ounces per day. Also make sure it is filtered “reverse osmosis”  water, not tap water or store-
bought bottled water).

Watermelon juice has been used for years as a way to remove skin blemishes(probably because of the high water content and powerhouse nutrients inside).And, perhaps best of al ...
The lowly watermelon has been shown to literal y “relax” blood vessels to

“Viagra”-Like Results!

However, you want to be careful with this.
Eating too MUCH watermelon can make you sick (just like eating too much ofanything can make you sick). Sometimes people hear about how it can give prostaterelief and beef up the sex drive, and they’l chomp a whole 17 inch watermelon down.


Don’t do that!

You’l only get sick that way.

Instead, always eat it in moderation (eat until satisfied and then stop).
It does not matter what kind of watermelon you eat, either. My preference is to eatthe smal , mini-seedless watermelons you can find in most any grocery store. They are a little bigger than a softbal , and I tend to eat a whole one in a single sitting (you can
eat a half of one or whatever you’re comfortable with—but I just love these things and they are like dessert). They are especial y good after a work out when you’re thirsty andgo down great.

Anyway, bottom line?

If you want to give yourself some prostate relief and make your wife happy at the same time, grab a watermelon. I eat anywhere from 3-5 per week and have noticedsome seriously positive benefits (both for my prostate and overal health) from doing so.

And you know what?

There’s a good chance you wil , too.

You can find this nutrient and others also important for your healthy prostate in the natural formula of the product SSP3-FORTE. Just Google it!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAm2KhbrpYI

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